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by Sonja Wimmer, Sonja Wimmer (Illustrator)


Winner at the 2011 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. A magical, heart-melting story about words that will captivate our hearts. A young girl shares her love of words and rescues people from feeling lost and blue.

Luna is a girl who lives high, high up in the sky. So high that her homeland coudn’t be seen from the ground. She was an extraordinary little girl, one of a kind. Luna had the most special endearing pastime: she liked to collect words. She preferred beautiful words, those funny words that make you burst into laughter when you pronounce them, and also those that filled your heart with joy and embrace your soul for a very long time.


But a day came when everything changed, and the words that Luna had guarded with so much care were disappearing one by one. “What was happening?”, Luna wondered. She found out what was causing the disaster—men were forgetting all the beautiful words. They did not think words were important anymore. No way would she let that happen! Determined and ready to find a solution, Luna set out with her beautiful words to convince humanity of the importance of sharing joy and happiness.


Ganador del premio Moonbeam Children's Book Awards en 2011. Una historia dulce y mágica sobre la belleza de las palabras. Luna compartirá su amor por las letras y hará del mundo un lugar mejor en el que vivir.


Luna es una chica que vive muy arriba en el cielo, más arriba que cualquier otra persona. Curiosamente, Luna empezó a tener una afición muy especial entrañable: le gustaba coleccionar palabras. Prefería las palabras bonitas, aquellas palabras divertidas que al pronunciarlas te sacan una carcajada, y también aquellas que te llenaban el corazón de alegría y te hacían sentir feliz durante muchísimo tiempo.


Pero llegó un día en que todo cambió, y las palabras que Luna había guardado con tanto mimo fueron desapareciendo una a una. «¿Qué estaba pasando?», se preguntaba Luna. Entonces, llegó a sus oídos un rumor: los hombres estaban olvidando las palabras bellas porque estaban demasiado ocupados y ya no les daban importancia… Pero ¡eso no suceder pasar de ninguna de las maneras! Decidida, Luna partió con sus bellas palabras a convencer a la humanidad de la importancia de compartir alegría y felicidad.

La coleccionista de palabras by Sonja Wimmer

SKU: 9788493824068
  • Sonja Wimmer loves painting pictures and telling stories.  Since then, she lives between brushes and stories, working as an illustrator and freelance for publishers and other customers worldwide. She has received many awards for her work in the United states, most notably Gold Medal for Best Illustrator for The Word Collector.

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