by Pat Murphy
LEGO Chain Reactions is packed full of ideas, instructions, and inspiration for 10 LEGO machines that spin, swing, pivot, roll, lift, and drop. Each machine alone is awesome, but put them together and you get incredible chain reactions. Then, combine the machines in any order you like to create your own chain reactions. Our team of experts worked with educators and 11-year-olds to invent the machines, then wrote a book that teaches the skills (and some of the physics behind the fun) kids need to create their own amazing chain reaction machines.
Fascinate your friends by completing an ordinary task in an extraordinary way. Learn to build 10 LEGO(r) machines that can swing, pivot, roll, lift, and drop. Then connect, rearrange, and experiment with the machines to create a chain reaction. With this book in hand and a handful of basic bricks from your LEGO(r) collection, the only other thing you'll need is a little imagination.
Series: LEGO
Lego Chain Reactions: Design and Build Amazing Moving Machines
80-page book of instructions
33 LEGO(r) pieces
Instructions for 10 machines
6 plastic balls
Paper ramps
Product Code: 9780545703307
Publisher: Klutz
Release Date: February 15, 2015
Copyright Date: 2014Target Age Group: 08 to 12
-Models and modelmaking -LEGO toys
-Juvenile works